Disease Research INFOGRAPHIC (12/21/18)

FINAL PRESENTATION DUE: Friday, December 21st (5:00 p.m.)


EXAMPLE INFOGRAPHIC: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1NwZI8UBMbDqBb-zcnv_2Rq4rJvwq9f34rejZdvBm_O4/edit?usp=sharing


1. Create a copy of the google drawing document (*see above) (3 points)

SAVE AS: Last Name_DiseaseInfoGraphic_2018

EXAMPLE: Gerelve_DiseaseInfoGraphic_2018


2. Share with Mrs. Gerleve (1 point) 



Create an infographic using the information about your communicable disease. Infographic are "clips" of information and small graphics to present information quickly and clearly.


I encourage you to create your own version of an infographic. Change up the layout, create patterns, different shapes and use different colors and fonts! This process may be new to you, but play around with tools to help familiarize yourself with the google drawing program. I expect you to struggle, so do not give up! This is how we learn!


If you use the layout I have created, you must make the following changes:

>> At least 2 changes to the layout

>> All colors must be changed

>> All fonts must be changed


KEYBOARD SHORT CUTS (hold down the control key and letter at the same time)

Copy                 Ctrl (control) + C

Paste                Ctrl (control) + V

Bold text         Ctrl (control) + B

Italicized        Ctrl (control) + I

Great video to learn tips and tricks for creating an infographic!


Dear Disease Investigators,


A few nights ago, t I found these spots on my back and neck. The spots itch sometimes, but it is nothing intense. Some of my spots almost look shiny or dry. I am at a lost for what this is. Please help me!


Thanks for your help,  Brent.




On a separate sheet of paper, please write about the following:

1. What communicable disease do you think is causing Brent's skin spots?


2. WHY do you believe (what evidence can you find) that proves this is the infection that is causing his skin spots?


3. What type of pathogen (virus, bacteria, protozoan, fungi) causes this infection?


4. Where did you find your information that helped you come to this conclusion?


How Pandemics Spread Video

Yesterday you started to look at the three ways disease spread through locations: endemic, epidemic and pandemic.


Watch the TED Talk video to help you understand the spread of pandemics a little bit more! Use your name to answer the questions after the video.


Your responses are due before class on Friday, 11/10
